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A Perfect Cafe Experience | Barista Parlor Nashville


There is something about a bougie, beautifully decorated cafe that makes me feel alive. Like I have so much more money that I actually do. That is how I felt at Barista Parlor.

A Very Relevant Rant:

A lot of cafes in Nashville are what I like to call dirty-hipster. The furniture is moldy and the interior is "almost there but not quite". The intention to create an atmosphere is there, but the execution is poor. It makes me mad. End Rant.

Here, IT'S NOTHING LIKE THAT (praise the lord)...The large area, white walls, and large windows really make the building feel open and spacious.  Everything from floor to ceiling is decorated with a lot of consideration which I really, truly appreciate. It's about the small things: the tiny succulent plants on each table,  the tumbler-esque palm fronds at the corners of the room, the wooden menu, and so much more. The color scheme is also really tasteful, mostly bright white with sky blue and coral red accents. 

The drinks are also really beautiful. Depending on what you order, you get a different layout. If you order a plain coffee or tea, you'll get an adorable mug with a mini glass pitcher. Lattes are served in flatter and wider mugs. Seasonal drinks come in old-fashioned glasses. All come in very aesthetic wooden trays and is designed with different variations of the Barista Parlor logo.

One thing to consider: this place serves great study vibes, but outlets are scarce. If you absolutely need your laptop, you might have a tough time. 


I ordered the Irish Whisker (Black Coffee|Shaken Cream|Star Anise-Brown Sugar Syrup|Orange Zest|Whiskey-Bitters Mist). Doesn't taste bitter at all, in fact, it tastes very rich, like hot chocolate. The cream is amazing and you can smell the orange from the zest when you bring the cup to your mouth. Vanilla Latte is a standard but well-made latte and of course, they give it to you with latte art. The tea tasted like tea LOL. They also serve five daughters donuts and sandwiches, but they sell out pretty quickly (and five daughters donuts are not worth). 

final thots

pros: lots of seating, presentation/REAL MUGS

cons: very few outlets, expensive

what i recommend:  the seasonal drinks are really interesting

find it: 610 Magazine St, Nashville, TN 37203

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